Friday 30 October 2009

Titles, credits and some notes on sounds

Finally finished editing and its been a mixed bag of emotions, at some points theres been joy, laughter, tears and some crindge worthy peices of editing early on . To be honest despite all that its been really good. Maybe next time if done better the last 2 points could be avoided! Anyways enough of that stuff, just thought I'd give a little bit of notice into the title credits and sound.
To be honest the placement of titles and credits wasnt something I had thought about much untill they actually had to be put in. They were placed just offset to the film so not to detract away from what was happening. There was nothing too fancy about the text type either with a basic  Ariel-esq typeface being chosen. In addition to the teacher writing the title on the board which was an idea ive always liked, because it might not become clear that that was the title, we decided to include a title credit afterwards. I think it could have been smoother however there was little time by that point but i do not think it will detract too much from the actual film.
As for the sound we put into the non diegetic soundtrack, there was not much besides the twisted baby-ish lullaby music, which was taken from a copyright-free sound hosting website. To be honest i cant remember the site which it was taken but another group also used the same site. [CHANGE WHEN CREDITS STUFF IS DONE]

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