Thursday 5 November 2009

Casting, props and costumes

Since got much to post recently worth remembering this 5th of November i thought i’d explain some minor notes to do with Casting, Props and Costumes
Casting : In terms of casting for the filming I decided to prioritise actors over how easily they were to get hold of rather than on whether or not they had massive acting experience.  That said originally when attempting to get someone to play the Antagonist there was alot of problems with availability, however the eventual person we found to play the part, Grant, was really good, and I think both actors filled the roles well.
Props and costumes: In terms of Props and Costumes there were actually very few. Our main props were the peices of paper the protagonist was rummaging through ( simply peices of odds and ends we could find around the classroom chosen) and the handmade obsessive collage of the protagonist, which was actually really creepy. Thanks to Amy for the pics and Megan for allowing it to be made, it really added to the psycho-ness of our antagonist. Finally the costumes were simply black shirts, ties, plain black trousers and a simple white top for the protagonist.

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