Thursday 17 December 2009

Feedback from film and My response to the feedback

My OTS was shown to the media class and in total there was only really one or two criticisms, which was quite a good ratio. The main critique was that Grant playing the role of a teacher didnt successfully suspend the disbelief of the audience due to his age. Additionally the 'Title on the board'' scene was far too vague and didnt give an indication that 'The reason behind the rhyme'' was actually the title of the film. The final problem was the time, which over ran the 2 minutes that were allocated.

Now if the 3 key areas I need to change are:
-The Antagonists age
- The final Scene
and time the film runs for I will have to look at what impact they have and ways i could change it without any extra filming, as my 2 actors are now unavailable.

As an Antagonist, Grant really fills the position well and the only problem that was pointed out was as a teacher he doesnt work due to how he is too young for the job that he is playing. Throughout the film he is shown in dark lighting so you can't actually see many visual features, and only hear the dialogue meaning that none of this is shown. Untill 'Lucy' enters the classroom do we see Grant as a teacher, again presenting a problem with the final scene.
The Title on the board doesnt work as it isnt Bold enough or Emphacised as the title but due to the time already overrunning that which was set it would be difficult to slot in extra time for this and the problems with not being able to film again pretty much blows that out of the water.
As for the way of cutting sections out, there are a few areas that are too drawn out (lighting on the poster) but that still may overrun the time constraits. The problem area is the final scene and maybe in a way cutting it would be the best solution. That way Grant wouldnt be shown as a teacher, and the attempt at showing the credits wouldn't be seen. The film could cut to black with the Title just as 'Lucy' reaches the door. This would mean that the film would become under two minutes and this sense of high pace suspense would be held until after the OTS, fitting with the 'Hook' conventions of a thriller genre. I will have to have a look when i review what i've done and post the final cut hopefully

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